François Trinh-Duc: "We know the ingredients to put into the game"

The Toulon fly-half attended last Wednesday’s press conference and talked about the forthcoming game against Brive, next Saturday, at the Stade Amédée Domenech, on Day 15 of the Top 14 (kick-off time: 4:45 p.m.).
François, January is going to be a crucial month, both for securing a spot in the top six in the French League and for reaching the knock-out stages of the European Cup…
Precisely! January is going to be a busy month and we start with the away game against Brive. Some games may be turning points in a season and this could be one of them. We’ve been warned: we know what to expect after Brive won against Montpellier. It’s going to be a tough game: we know their qualities and their team spirit. It will be a physical challenge and we’ll have to deliver. We know the ingredients to put into the game so that we come back with four points, which will be crucial for the next part of the season.
It must be hard to play several crucial games in succession, over a month’s period…
No, it’s not that hard to play games in succession. We knew that would happen and we have the players to face such a challenge. We know it’s going to be a hard fight against Brive. They’re a very good team to play against. I know some of the Brive players and their team is highly motivated. They’ll show commitment and they’ll want to win.
And, as we’re in winter, one imagines a game with harsh weather conditions…
Indeed! In Brive, in January, we know we’ll have to cope with the weather conditions. The pitch will be quite heavy, maybe it will be rainy or muddy. Starting moves will be more difficult, but we’ll have to adapt. As for me, I’ll have to control the game, both when we’ll dominate or will be dominated, and spare the frontline many efforts, as they’ll have to deliver in the ruck, the scrum and the maul. And I’ll have to time the opportunities right.
Click HERE to watch the pre-game press conference ahead of Brive vs. Toulon on RCT TV at